Rice logoRice

We pay to advertise and grow your sales on Amazon

Elevating brands to Bestsellers with a game-changing AI-powered tech and unique business model. No upfront fees. All risks are on us.

A win-win business model

Rice champions your business success through a transparent revenue-sharing model. We only get paid for the results we achieve. As you grow, so do we. This is only fair.

AI-powered tech

Rice AI does all the hard work to grow sales. From listings and content creation to campaign planning and execution. We supercharge each step with tailored AI solutions, transforming ordinary into extraordinary.

Abstract picture with infinite growth
Abstract picture with infinite growth

Start growing now

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    Fill out the application form ↗

    Share your business details and the link to your Amazon storefront.

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    Rice AI creates a tailored strategy

    Rice AI predicts sales growth opportunities and creates a tailored plan.

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    Sign Docs 

    Review the terms of our cooperation and sign an agreement.

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    Rice AI starts executing from day 1

    Rice AI manages sales campaigns for your products with our investments.

Why Rice?

Running a business is tough, with the path to growth often uncertain, expensive, and time-intensive.

This is where Rice steps in, harnessing the power of AI to manage uncertainty and boost your sales, driving you toward Amazon's bestsellers.

Rice is based on the principle of shared success - we get paid for delivering outstanding results and nothing else. 

Why Rice?
Why Rice?
Upfront costs
No upfront payment
Up to 100%
Finance model
Revenue sharing model
Fixed commission
Human-led, limited
Taken by us
Taken by you
Revenue growth
Contract execution
Targeted markets

AI superpower

Rice AI algorithms are processing millions of transactions and sales data, and spot Amazon trends, patterns, and opportunities beyond human ability.

Then, Rice AI orchestrates dynamic content creation and sales campaigns execution and optimization. This results in a significantly elevated sales performance.

Picture of abstract balls
Picture of abstract balls

Put Rice AI to work